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School Performance

Standards of Attainment

Statutory Assessments take place in Year 1 Year 6. There are also national assessments standards for Reception’s ‘Good Level of Development (GLD) and Year 1 Phonics Screening.

There are no national standards for assessment comparison at the end of Years 1, 3, 4 or 5 for reading, writing, maths or spelling punctuation and grammar (SPAG).

Reception Data 2023-2024

Greater Level of Development (GLD)

National Average School
2024 TBC% 74%
2023 67% 66%

Year 1 Phonics Screening 2022-2023

National Average School
2024 TBC% 87%
2023 79% 93%

Year 2 SATs

Children are no longer required to take a statutory test at the end of Year 2. However, we continue to conduct our own tests to track children's attainment and progress.

High Meadow Community School Year 2 Data 2023-2024

National Average 2023
ARE + 68%

GD 19%

National Average 2023
ARE+ 60%

GD 8%

National Average 2023
ARE+ 70%

GD 16%
National Average 2022
ARE+ 72%
Reading Writing Maths Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation
ARE+ 83% ARE+ 73% ARE+ 80% ARE+ 90%
GD      10% GD       7% GD        3% GD     25%

Year 4 Multiplication Table Check

In Year 4 children are required to undertake a statutory multiplication check to determine whether they can recall facts fluently, at speed. The test is out of 25.

National Average   2023     

High Meadow        2023

National Average     2024 High Meadow 2024
29% 17% TBC 71%
National Average Mean 2023 High Meadow Mean 2023 National Average Mean 2024 High Meadow Mean 2024
20.2 20.3 TBC 23

Year 6 SATs

A scaled score between 100 and 120 shows that a Year 6 pupil has met the expected standard in the SATs tests, taken in May each year. The lowest scaled score that can be awarded on a Key Stage 2 test is 80; the highest is 120. A child who achieves a scaled score of 100 or more is deemed to be working at Greater Depth.

National Average 2024
ARE + 74%

GD %


National Average 2024
ARE+ 72%

GD %


National Average 2023
ARE+ 73%

GD %


  National Average                   2024                     ARE+ 72%       GD %


National Average             2024                     ARE 61%                GD TBC%                                           

Reading Writing Maths Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation Combined Data
ARE+ 92% ARE+ 88% ARE+ 89% ARE+ 96% ARE 86%
GD     46% GD     18% GD     32% GD      57% GD   25%